APEM offer the full range of marine ecology services to clients working in coastal, estuarine and offshore environments, supported by dedicated field teams and accredited laboratories.

Our diverse client base includes power, water and utility companies, marine renewable developers and aggregate extraction companies, alongside nature conservation bodies and regulators.

Our consultants have an in-depth understanding of the key environmental issues and legislation associated with the development and operation of marine and coastal industries.

We also have extensive technical knowledge of a wide variety of coastal and intertidal benthic habitats and species, ranging from shallow water seagrass beds to plankton, shellfish, fish spawning and migration, marine mammals and birds.

This understanding is used to inform assessments on the marine and estuarine environment for the purposes of environmental impact assessments (EIA), Water Framework Directive assessments, Marine Conservation Zone assessments (MCZ) and Habitats Regulations assessments (HRA) in support of Marine Licence and Development Consent Order applications.

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Marine consultancy services

  • Gap analysis and literature reviews to identify what data are needed to meet legislative requirements
  • Marine ecology surveys for a wide range of receptors
  • In-house laboratories, quality assured through the NMBAQC scheme
  • Data analysis, including data truncation using our experience as NMBAQC auditors for benthic invertebrate and particle size data
  • Statistical analysis and technical reporting, including habitat mapping and assessment using geophysical and biological datasets
  • Ecological modelling, including habitat and species modelling such as collision risk and distribution modelling
  • Production of documentation required for consenting or post-consent compliance, such as scoping reports, Marine Licence applications, Marine Ecology Environmental Statement chapters and HRAs
  • Entrainment and screening
  • European protected species (EPS) assessment and licensing (including the effects of underwater noise and vibration on marine mammals)
  • Fisheries assessment
  • Invasive non-native species and ballast water assessments
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There’s something about that seawall: marine invasive and non-...

Arrow - There’s something about that seawall: marine invasive and non-native species love living on man-made coastal structures
There’s something about that seawall: marine invasive and non-native species love living on man-made coastal structures Thumbnail

A coastal ecologist’s insight into where to find marine invasive and non-native species along the UK coast

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