APEM’s specialist field team of aquatic and terrestrial surveyors are trained in Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) and work onsite to observe and maintain your environmental and planning obligations.

The nationwide-based rapid response team cover all areas of development and construction to provide an independent role of an ECoW to ensure that ecological and environmental regulations are monitored and maintained.

The presence of an ECoW is often a requirement of planning, prior to or during construction. By having a ‘boots on the ground’ specialist, your project will receive professional and considered advice to ensure issues such as protected species, pollution (water and land), surface water management and material management are dealt with swiftly and appropriately.

The role of an Ecological Clerk of Works covers:

  • On site pre-construction inspections with regards to habitats and species present
  • Working closely with contractors and ground staff to educate and inform
  • Provide regular reports and updates for stakeholders (including the public) and the wider project team
  • Continuous monitoring of development and construction works and the environment of the site
  • Practical and competent guidance and advice on issues that may arise
  • Identification, implementation, and maintenance of exclusion zones
  • Planning, managing, and undertaking post-construction monitoring

The APEM team oversee the management of risks when related to biodiversity, and their presence on site makes sure that delays to projects are mitigated and therefore additional costs are not incurred.

For a fast response to urgent issues on site, APEM offer a ‘Virtual’ Ecological Clerk of Works service. Our responsive over the phone/video support is available to provide guidance on what monitoring or subsequent surveys may be required on a site. Call us on 07436 262442 or email to see how we can help.

BG Shape 5 - Wave

Solutions we provide on the ground include:

  • Pollution spillage monitoring and containment
  • Silt control measures
  • Implementation of European Protected Species licences, mitigation, and monitoring
  • Fish rescues and relocations
  • Invasive species specialist advice
  • Algae control and oxygenation
  • Water quality sample collection and analysis
  • On site ‘Toolbox Talks’
Testing water samples for ammonia
APEM staff member collecting a water sample

Interested in booking a Toolbox Talk for your site team?

Our Toolbox Talks are free and provide an overview of the role of an ecologist on site, covering relevant legislation, demystifying the jargon, providing guidance on European Protected Species licences and permitted and prohibited working practices. Lasting only 20 minutes, they are an interactive session and give you the opportunity to tell us what you are struggling with.

Want to find out more? Please email us and let us know where you are located and roughly how many people are on site and we will be in touch to organise. 

Related content

Read one of APEM’s blogs, news articles or case studies to find out more.


Fine sediment pollution: implementing silt mitigation works

Arrow - Fine sediment pollution: implementing silt mitigation works
Fine sediment pollution: implementing silt mitigation works Thumbnail

Construction in aquatic environments can have negative impacts on water bodies by disturbing fine sediment read our blog to find out more

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